- 1. Laserball 2:14
- 2. The Real World 1:14
- 3. Eating 0:48
- 4. This Is My Vision 2:55
- 5. Failure of the System 1:45
- 6. Battlefield 3:41
- 7. End Credits 1:27
- 8. Laserball (alternate) 2:04
- 9. The Real World (film version) 1:07
- 10. Laserball (without percussion) 2:14
- 11. Eating (alternate) 1:18
- 12. Laserball (piano & orchestra version) 3:11
- 13. Pandora’s Box 1:18
Total Time: 25:21
Composition: 2013. Publication: 2015.
In a futuristic and decadent world where the Program has ended creativity, humanity has taken refuge in virtual reality to live their dreams and adventures while the real world falls apart. A professional player in the laserball league is disqualified during the game and forced to disconnect for a few hours. Upon returning to the real world, he is reunited with his father. The clash between his realities will reopen old wounds. “When life itself does not arouse the interest of the living, it is a sign that the end cannot be far off.”
Pandora’s Box is a promotional short film for the feature film Pixel Theory that explores the implications of the invention of a program capable of creating all the images that human beings can conceive. Despite having composed the music for the full short film, only tracks 5 and 9 were included in the final cut (the first of them as an end credits track). All the music created for the short film is featured here, as well as alternate versions and other tracks that were composed during the scoring process.
En un mundo futurista y decadente donde el Programa ha terminado con la creatividad, la humanidad se ha refugiado en la realidad virtual para vivir sus sueños y aventuras mientras el mundo real se desmorona. Un jugador profesional de la liga de laserball es descalificado durante la partida y obligado a desconectarse durante unas horas. Al volver al mundo real se reencuentra con su padre. El choque entre sus realidades reabrirá viejas heridas. «Cuando la misma vida no despierta el interés de los vivos, es señal de que el fin no puede andar lejos».
La Caja de Pandora es un cortometraje promocional del largometraje Pixel Theory que explora las implicaciones de la invención de un programa capaz de crear todas las imágenes que el ser humano puede concebir.
A pesar de haberse compuesto la música para el cortometraje completo, en el montaje final sólo se incluyeron las pistas 5 y 9 (la primera de ellas como pista de créditos finales). Aquí se presenta toda la música creada para el cortometraje, así como versiones alternativas y otras pistas que se compusieron durante el proceso de musicalización.